Plejuv PLLA 注射剂

货号: TK98472
经过 Celmade

PLEJUV represents a safe and effective collagen-boosting solution, administered through injectable means and renowned for its biocompatibility.

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PLEJUV 代表了一种安全有效的胶原蛋白增强解决方案,通过注射方式给药,并以其生物相容性而闻名。 PLEJUV 采用聚 L-乳酸 (PLLA),这是一种在医疗应用中经过二十多年验证的成分,其安全性得到了美国 FDA 的认可,注射到皮下层后,PLEJUV 可以促进胶原蛋白的生成。此过程可恢复皮肤弹性和自然体积,赋予肌肤焕发活力的外观。为获得最佳效果,治疗方案通常需要 2 至 3 个疗程,根据患者个体需求量身定制,确保持续丰盈。 PLEJUV由PLLA组成,被FDA认定为医疗级材料,注射后可启动皮下胶原蛋白生成,有效补充面部体积。这种自然过程可以减少细纹和皱纹,增强年轻的面容。

PLEJUV 产品概述:

  • 容量:1 瓶 365mqx
  • 适应症:适用于解决面部严重皱纹和褶皱,矫正体积不足,对抗面部脂肪萎缩,改善面部轮廓不规则现象。

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All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as DHL Express and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as EMS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.  All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as UPS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.


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