货号: TK98460
经过 Celmade

VOLUX JUVÉDERM: An innovative hyaluronic acid gel within the Juvéderm® range, specifically designed by Allergan to enhance facial contours and shape.

This advanced dermal filler, Juvéderm® VOLUX, stands out within the VYCROSS®1-3 range (Volite®, Volbella®, Volift®, Voluma®) due to its exceptional elasticity and cohesiveness. These qualities make it ideal for reshaping the chin and jawline, providing projection and tension effects.

Juvéderm® VOLUX is tailored for subcutaneous or supraperiosteal injection by authorized medical practitioners in compliance with local regulations. Precision is paramount, necessitating the expertise of practitioners with specific training and experience in the injection technique for restoration and volume creation. Comprehensive knowledge of the relevant anatomy and physiology is crucial.

15 天退款
VOLUX JUVÉDERM:Juvéderm® 系列中的创新透明质酸凝胶,由 Allergan 专门设计,用于增强面部轮廓和形状。

Juvéderm® VOLUX 这种先进的真皮填充剂因其卓越的弹性和粘合性而在 VYCROSS®1-3 系列(Volite®、Volbella®、Volift®、Voluma®)中脱颖而出。这些品质使其成为重塑下巴和下巴轮廓的理想选择,提供投影和张力效果。

Juvéderm® VOLUX 由授权医生根据当地法规量身定制,用于皮下或骨膜上注射。精确度至关重要,需要接受过特定培训并在修复和体积创建注射技术方面拥有丰富经验的从业者的专业知识。相关解剖学和生理学的全面知识至关重要。


**JUVEDERM VOLUX 效果的持续时间:**
采用 Juvéderm® VOLUX 的下巴投影可持续超过 18 个月。

- 透明质酸凝胶:25 毫克
- 盐酸利多卡因:3毫克
- 磷酸盐缓冲液 pH 7.2 q.s.p. 1毫升

Juvéderm VOLUX 的注射器经过湿热灭菌,27G1/2" 针头经过辐射灭菌。

**JUVEDERM VOLUX 盒子里有什么:**
- 2 支 1 mL Juvéderm VOLUX 注射器
- 4 个一次性无菌注射器 (27G1/2"),指定用于注射 Juvéderm VOLUX
- 确保可追溯性的说明和标签

Juvéderm VOLUX 是一个综合系列的一部分,包括 Juvéderm VOLBELLA 利多卡因、Juvéderm ULTRA 2、VOLIFT 利多卡因、VOLUMA 利多卡因和 VOLUXTM 等产品。这些产品可满足从细纹矫正到丰盈等各种审美需求。

注意:注射 Juvéderm VOLUX 需要由皮肤美容、皮肤科或整形外科领域的合格医生进行专门的医疗程序。

Juvéderm® 品牌在全球拥有超过 4000 万次治疗,提供基于创新技术的多种皱纹填充剂。这些产品在法国制造,由法国艾尔建 (Allergan) 经销,通过基于透明质酸的均质凝胶解决细纹、皱纹和体积损失问题。

- 每个 JUVÉDERM® 产品都有不同的用途,解决特定的美学问题。
- 多样化的产品系列包括用于补水、抚平皱纹、恢复体积和唇部重建的填充剂。
- 拥有 JUVÉDERM® 治疗经验的合格美容医生对于个性化和有效的抗衰老解决方案至关重要。

所有 Celmade 的货物均来自韩国。我们帮助将产品发送到全球 50 多个国家的主要特点。

国家/地区,但大约需要 3-10 个工作日。这是基于

All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as FedEx and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as DHL Express and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as EMS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.  All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as UPS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.


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