Facetem S 2X0, 8ml

Артикул: TK98466
По Celmade

Facetem S 2X0, 8ml
Facetem S stands out as a distinctive product, relying on a calcium hydroxyapatite-based formula to deliver non-surgical facelifts and enduring wrinkle correction

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Facetem S 2X0, 8ml

Facetem S stands out as a distinctive product, relying on a calcium hydroxyapatite-based formula to deliver non-surgical facelifts and enduring wrinkle correction. It's proven to be safe and extensively researched, devoid of any tissue-inflammatory reactions, migration, or residue in the body.

Its lattice-porous structure ensures a gradual breakdown, starting from the outermost areas and progressing towards the core. This gradual breakdown mechanism sets it apart from competitors with sandy structures, ensuring even biodegradation and prolonged effectiveness.

Facet S exhibits a slow degradation rate, resulting in prolonged tissue retention compared to other calcium hydroxyapatite fillers. Its applications encompass addressing various soft tissue volume loss concerns, including cheekbones, temples, nasolabial folds, marionette wrinkles, and chin sagging, among others.

Furthermore, it's effective in treating acne scars, temporal depressions, and nasal aesthetic issues. The composition comprises 30% calcium hydroxyapatite and 70% polymer gel, housed in two 0.8 ml prefilled syringes.

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All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as FedEx and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as DHL Express and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as EMS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.  All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as UPS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.

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